
TheALSIceBucketChallengewasaglobalphenomenonthatchangedthefightagainstALSforever.Inthesummerof2014,threeyoungmenlivingwithALStook ...,2018年8月10日—TheALSIceBucketChallengeremainsoneofthemosteffectivefundraisingcampaignsinthebattleagainstthisterribledisease.Over$100 ...,由PPolyakov著作·2018—Theicebucketchallengeisasocialgameaimedatencouragingdonationstotheamyotrophiclateralsclerosisassociation...

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was a global phenomenon that changed the fight against ALS forever. In the summer of 2014, three young men living with ALS took ...

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

2018年8月10日 — The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge remains one of the most effective fundraising campaigns in the battle against this terrible disease. Over $100 ...

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由 P Polyakov 著作 · 2018 — The ice bucket challenge is a social game aimed at encouraging donations to the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis association.

How the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge made a lasting ...

2023年6月21日 — The Ice Bucket Challenge “dramatically accelerated the fight” against the disease, according to ALSA. It funded the work that led to the ...


THE 2018 ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE: Every August until a cure. •. •. •. •. •. How do I participate? You will need: A Bucket. Ice. Water. A Recording Device A Towel.

Ice Bucket Challenge

The challenge encourages nominated participants to be filmed having a bucket of ice water poured on their heads and then nominating others to do the same. A ...

Ice Bucket Challenge dramatically accelerated the fight ...

2019年6月4日 — “The Ice Bucket Challenge has been transformative in the field of ALS genomics. We built one of the largest resources of ALS whole genome- ...

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